MOC AGA 2022

The Maldives Olympic Committee (MOC) held its Annual General Assembly 2022 today (Saturday 26 March 2022, ) at H.Meerumaa, Keeranmaalam. The Assembly was attended by Executive Committee Members and Members of the National Sports Associations. Members from the Commissioner of Sport and National Sports Council also joined the meeting as observers. After holding the Assembly online for the past 2 years, this year’s Assembly was a grand affair as it gathered all the sporting parental associations and sporting bodies under one roof. President of MOC, Mohamed Abdul Sattar officially inaugurated the Assembly, which was followed by a prompt speech given by the esteemed Chief Guest, Nishan Muleege Sharafge Izzathuge Veriyaa, Ibrahim Ismail Ali. AGA’s formal agenda for the day commenced with the President of MOC and Chair of the AGA formally addressing members. During the AGA members approved Athletes Commission Member Nashfa Amira for the Executive Committee of MOC, and Athletes Commission Member Afa Ismail and Ibrahim Mubal Azzam as Athlete Representatives for the AGA. In addition, minutes of the 04 Extra-Ordinary General Assemblies held in 2021 was approved by Members at the AGA. The Annual Report of MOC along with the Financial Report of MOC was approved as well. Photo credits: Nausham Waheed

MOC AGA 2022