CPTM Team Advances Sports Development in Maldives through Collaborative Workshops

CPTM Team Advances Sports Development in Maldives through Collaborative Workshops
CPTM Team Advances Sports Development in Maldives through Collaborative Workshops
CPTM Team Advances Sports Development in Maldives through Collaborative Workshops
CPTM Team Advances Sports Development in Maldives through Collaborative Workshops
CPTM Team Advances Sports Development in Maldives through Collaborative Workshops

In the ongoing series of stakeholder workshops, the CPTM Team recently convened its second session, uniting community sports enthusiasts and National Sports Associations (NSAs) in a comprehensive analysis of Maldives' sports landscape. The workshop's focus extended beyond identifying challenges to actively exploring innovative solutions.

The dynamic discussions delved into the intricacies of current challenges faced by both the sports community and NSAs. This collaborative effort facilitated a nuanced exploration of potential remedies, showcasing the commitment of the participants to drive positive change in the sports environment.

Central to the workshop's agenda was the pursuit of transformative outcomes. Participants engaged in open dialogue, sharing insights and ideas aimed at catalyzing advancements in sports development. This strategic emphasis reflects the workshop's overarching goal to instigate positive transformations that will reverberate across community and national levels.