MOC AGA 2022: Special recognition award

Saturday 26 March 2022, Maldives Olympic Committee (MOC) Annual General Assembly: MOC conferred special recognition award to its former President, Secretary General and Treasure who were long-serving staff of the MOC. The recipients of the awards were: •Nishan Muleege Sharafge Izzathuge Veriyaa, Ibrahim Ismail Ali: First elected President of MOC, appointed Vice President and Secretary General of MOC •Ahmed Marzooq: First elected Secretary General, who also filled the post for the past 12 years •Hussain Rasheed: First elected Treasurer, who also filled the post for 12 years. •Mohamed Shaweed: Second elected President who served as the President of MOC for the past 8 years. Photo credits: Nausham Waheed

MOC AGA 2022: Special recognition award
MOC AGA 2022: Special recognition award
MOC AGA 2022: Special recognition award
MOC AGA 2022: Special recognition award