Child Safeguarding Policy-working group meeting

The first Working Group meeting of the Child Safeguarding Policy that is being developed in cooperation with Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) and Maldives Olympic Committee (MOC) was held on April 10 at MOC office. The purpose of the introductory meeting was to share the information that has been gathered from the National Sports Associations and child Athletes, towards developing of a Child Safeguarding Policy that will be applicable to all the registered National Sports Associations. During the meeting, members of the Working Group shared their insight about the information that was shared to them and provided their feedback by relying on their experience in the field. Before concluding the meeting, members also discussed about a plan to move forward with the inauguration and formal implementation of the policy.

Child Safeguarding Policy-working group meeting
Child Safeguarding Policy-working group meeting
Child Safeguarding Policy-working group meeting