Election of the Athlete Commission of MOC

Malé City, Maldives: The Maldives Olympic Committee (MOC) held the election for the Athlete Commission (AC) Thursday, 23 December, at the Rasmee Boalhage Seminar Room. Voting was cast for two candidates representing Badminton: Aminath Shahurunaaz Moosa and Neela Ahmed Najeeb. Neela won the position with 73 votes beating Shahurunaaz who got 65 votes. A total of 138 votes were casted at today’s election. The remaining three positions of the MOC‘s Athlete Commission was elected by default, as only one candidate applied for each position. The composition of the Commission will be complete with the appointment Of the Female Olympian. As no applications were received for this position, the President of MOC is yet to appoint the Female Olympian. The MOC AC is composed of Five members, representing an Olympic Sport. They are elected by their respective Olympic sport, among athletes who has been part of the National team within the past eight years. A Chairperson to the Commission will be elected among the members and will be voted by the AC members.

Election of the Athlete Commission of MOC